Love Me Movie 2012

Love Me Movie 2012

  1. Love Me Movie Wiki
Love Me Movie 2012

Contents. Plot Ram Mohan , a high-profile businessman, brings two criminals - Xavi and Prem - from Kochi to Bangkok to kill a person, so that Ram can save his sinking business empire. The situation gets complicated when Samantha enters the equation. Cast. as Xavi.

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Love Me Movie Wiki

as Prem. as Ram Mohan. as Samantha. as Susan. as Sameera.

as Albert. Sinosh Ekkilissery as Unni Production The film was scripted by and directed by B. Unnikrishnan; this is the first film he has directed a film he has not scripted. Explaining the reasons for his decision, he says: 'That is because I enjoyed the story that Sethu narrated to me. Moreover, I was looking for an opportunity to work with young actors and this script seemed just right for such an outing. Writing and directing can be tedious and time-consuming and I wanted to take a break from the responsibility of doing both.' The film was shot in,.

Reception Veeyen of gave the film a negative rating of 2/5 and stated, 'at a time when novel themes and experiments are filling our screens, this one just doesn't impress'. References.

Love Me Movie 2012